Thursday, October 16, 2008


For today, we're gonna touch on the topic of Conflict, and thereafter, how to manage peace and security: deterrence and diplomacy (Sec 3 Chapter 6)

Why does conflict occur? Why do you quarrel with your friends / siblings /parents / teachers (hopefully not)?
On a bigger scale, why do countries quarrel, and eventually when they can't settle via peaceful means, do it the violent way and go to war?

Mainly there are 3 big reasons:
Competing of territories: control over land etc..
Conflict over scarce (rare) resources: Natural resources etc...
Conflict over ideological differences: Different values and beliefs.

Competing of territories
In a scenario:
In a class,
Peter: Eh why you sit on my chair?
John: Who say this is your chair?
Peter: I say.
John: So what? I sit on it, so now it's my chair.
*Peter punches John. They fight.*

Conflict over scarce (rare) resources:
John: Eh my turn to play the psp!!!!!
Peter: Wait!!! I haven't killed the king yet.
John: You played for 20mins already! Recess is ending!
Peter: Wait~~!!
*John punches Peter. They fight.*

Conflict over ideological differences.
John: I think Social Studies is easy.
Peter: I think it is difficult.
John: Easy lah! Just write, explain, link can already.
Peter: Difficult lah!
*They fight.*

Today's task: Find as many videos / pictures that can depict conflict. What does conflict mean to you? An example is given below.

Two hamsters fighting for a drink.

Picture obtained from:

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