Monday, August 17, 2009

Hi all!

IPW begins now!


• English Language teachers will mark the presentation and the language of the blog. (10% Term 4 CA - language)
• Humanities (S.S) teachers would mark the content of the blog. (10% Term 4 CA - content)

Project Focus:

Pupils will appreciate what Singapore has done so far to foster social cohesion as well as generate new ideas to unite Singaporeans as one people and one nation and to forge a national identity in a globalizing world.

Do reflections on the following guiding questions:

1. How different are we as Singaporeans?
2. What are the challenges of multi-ethnicity in Singapore?

How racial issues could divide the people.
What were the events that led to the race riots of 1964?
What were the causes of the race riots 1964?
What happened during the race riots?
What were the consequences of the race riots?
What were the lessons learnt from the riots?
Why do people react sensitively to race issues in Singapore?

How religious issues could divide the people.
What were the events that led to the Maria Hertogh riots of 1950?
What were the causes of the Maria Hertogh riots?
What happened during the riots?
What were the consequences of the riots?
What were the lessons learnt from the riots?
Why do people react sensitively to religious issues?

How issues relating to transnational terrorism could divide the people.

3. What were the measures taken to foster social cohesion (unity among the people) in multi-ethnic Singapore?
4. Why is it important to foster social cohesion?
5. Explore other ways to foster social cohesion in Singapore.

Your group will set up a blog to reflect on the challenges at social cohesion that Singapore (a multi-racial society) has faced and is facing today. You are to blog about how the government has managed ethnic diversity and the importance of doing so. You are also to explore other ways of bonding Singapore and to invite comments on your suggestions or proposals.

Project Schedule:

Weeks Activities Time Frame

Humanities teacher will explain the project task.

Group forming and assigning of roles.

Equal division of work for each group member.

Setting up of blogs – Etiquette of Blogging – Personalization of Blogs
Making various sections and Tag board/Comment area for other groups.

Researching on the internet. Use of search engines and valid references and web sources.

You can also do your research using relevant books from the library and even your textbook. Remember to credit these sources too.

You need to credit/acknowledge all the sources used and need to compile all research materials in a file which must be handed up to your Humanities teacher.

You will be penalized for plagiarizing (cut and paste jobs) copying from websites wholesale and passing it off as your own work. Your group will be given a zero and you will be sent to the discipline committee.

Humanities Teachers

You are to consolidate your research and apply what you have gathered and learnt, to complete the project task.

The blog should contain reflections from every member of the group. Each member is to reflect on a different aspect of the task.

Every group must visit the blog of all the other groups and leave comments on their tag boards after going through what they have reflected upon. Give suggestions and appraise what is good and also advice on what needs improvement upon. Also spot if the other groups are plagiarizing.

Humanities Teachers

Blogs must be fully completed and ready. Files are also to be handed up to your teachers.

You will be assessed on the richness and the relevance of your materials.

Your EL teacher will assess you on the language of your blog. Your Humanities teacher will assess you on the accuracy and the depth of analysis in the content of the blog and whether you credit sources in the blog.

Humanities and English Language Teachers

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