Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sec 4 SS consultation

Quick note:
SS consultation for sec 4s. Just a very casual one.

This Friday 1-2pm at library.
I know I mentioned 1240pm but I have departmental photo taking then. Hope it wouldn't drag.
I also know some of our muslim friends have Friday prayers. I apologise but it's the only time available this week. I have an external meeting at 3pm, and after that it's preparation for the graduation ceremony!
Please come with questions. SBQ, SEQ. Don't come expecting me to go through the chapters with you - Go read up on your own!

As for the period after this Friday (Graduation!), if you wanna meet me, the best way is to tag at this board and ask. I know at times I have not been responding fast enough on this blog, but once you have 'dispersed' I will make more effort to be here. I know you might have other teachers' HP numbers but it's my own policy and I sincerely hope you respect that.
FYI I'll be on course from 23oct- 14nov.

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