Friday, October 3, 2008

The questions on Tamil Tigers.

Source A:

Qn: What can you learn from this source about the reaction of the Sri Lankan government to the Tsunami disaster? Explain your answer, reffering to details of the source.

Suggested Ans: The Sri Lankan government is trying to reassure the public that help is being rendered quickly to everyone, Tamils and Sinhalese alike. The government is trying to convince the public that regardless of race, help will be given out. There is no special treatment given to the Sinhalese or Tamils.

qn: (c) Why do you think the Tamil Tiger commander made this speech? Explain your answer.

Ans: The Tamil Tiger commander made the speech at the conference to let the United Nations by aware of their situation and how they are being discriminated against. He made the speech to persuade the United Nations to offer help in restoring parity / equality between the Tamils and Sinahlese.

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